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Dumbbell Rod 1 fit (Hollow)

Dumbbell Rod 1 fit (Hollow)

Regular price $25.00 USD
Regular price $42.00 USD Sale price $25.00 USD
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You’ve always had that weird gym classmate named Chris who just doesn’t know when to stop. The one whose half-dozen monster plates weigh more than your entire body – and we’re not sure how the guy is standing upright without snapping his spine in two.

Then comes her gurgling, Moaning Gertrude as she heads towards the juice machine once again, arm bloodied from those four rotator cuff tears you see before you now.

That’s why these hollow Dumbbell Rods are a godsend! With six of them, shaped like off-sized sticks of gum on a candy cane pipe cleaner twisted into a loop with a threaded end for weights, they let small lifters enjoy lifting big weight too.

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